Decorated Light Post With The White Stuff
White Birch In Black and White
Fog, Street Light, Mailboxes
I wanted to test the lens to see how it would work, using the lens vertically. I was pleased.
Decorated Light Post With The White Stuff
White Birch In Black and White
Fog, Street Light, Mailboxes
I wanted to test the lens to see how it would work, using the lens vertically. I was pleased.
Antique Rake
Plants Featuring Winter Interest in My Yard
Gardeners (my good friend Peter) will tell you, for winter interest, not to trim or cut down plants. I also leave my yard art to create a artistic feel to my boring yard in the winter.
I decide not convert to sepia or black and white, I love the colors of leaves, texture of the bark and plants. I think my photography mentor would have been pleased with the first shot...I am :).
I woke up very early, taking a returned package to my mail box for our mail lady's pick up. Turning around walking back down the driveway I looked UP and saw the most beautiful scenery. I ran back into the house and grabbed my new camera and lens.
There was no enhancment to the color, what you see is what I saw...breath taking winter scenery.
I receive for Christmas a Canon 40D and 17-40 wide angle lens. I will be posting a few of the images in the next couple of days.
I have not been able to really get out and take pictures, my husband Bob had knee replacement surgery two weeks ago. He is doing great and in the near future will be able to go out hiking with me. He will be using my other camera...what fun to look forward to.
I wanted to take a few images of snow, since I had a few requests. The snow is now above my knees, walking was not easy but still refreshing to get outside for a few minutes. I need a dog sled to get around now <grinning>.
More SNOW today and shoveling :).
Black and White
Olde Tyme
I have photographed the old barn before....but never with snow.
Olde Tyme Print
On the way home from CT, many times we would pass an old sugar house. Either the lighting is poor, wrong time of day, too much traffic to enable us to stop....but on our return trip home, Thanksgiving weekend I lucked out.
The old sugar house is on Rt. 10, NH.
Black and White
We had our first major snowstorm which meant....dress warm, put on my high top boots, load up my camera and take a hike on the golf course. (I need snow shoes, the snow was very deep and hard to walk in). I was outside for about two hours, loving every minute and I will do this more often.
While out in the snow, I was trying to remember instructions my old mentor, shared when taking images of the snow. I realized after this shoot I need to step up my F-Stop....I think that will help cutting down the blue snow. I will have practice this winter for sure.
We took back roads when visitng CT, seeking out scenic areas for images. I was luck to find a back road and farm.
CT is certainly is a very pretty state.
Color Image
My Olde Tyme version. Check out my other Olde Tyme prints I am selling.
Thanksgiving weekend we were in CT. Returning from our Grandson's hockey tournament, we came across an old barn, really in not too bad of shape.
A few weeks ago Photosite (site where many of us used to display our images) sent out an email they are closing their doors the end of September. Scrambling for a new site, I decided to use The ultimate in photo sharing. Online photo albums, photo sharing, photo hosting and photo storage. - powered by SmugMug. SmugMug offers many new options and harder to set up but in the long run, I feel will work out great. Betty Pauwels (bpdphotos)'s photos - powered by SmugMug
Setting up in my travel section, my Death Valley Gallery, I went back to my originals, with my new found Photo Shop knowledge, worked on a few images taken in Tepoca, CA. I use curves, clone and few other needed tools.
All images featured are taken by John Ryle, shown and shared with his permission.
I have mentioned the Photo Chat I have participated in the last few years on AOL. The chat has allowed me to meet in person very talended photographers, novices like me, authors and professionals who have been willing to share their photography secrets with me...making me a better photographer.
I have not had the pleasure of meeting JRyle79 but have "talked" to him in the chat, watching his photography improve and grow...John is a very talented photographer. BUT in addition to his talent, he has a wonderful sense of humor and at times will apply to his photography. Kentucky Journal and his Flickr site
My full name is John Ryle, and I'm 27. I live in Lexington, Kentucky. I've been taking pictures for three and a half years or so now. I'm self taught, and until recently been using point and shoot cameras. In April I purchased my first DSLR. Until recently, photography was something I did for myself....but I'm now starting to learn a camera can open a lot of doors, as well as make ya some money. I've been exhibited several times, and I've won a few contests.
Sometimes when you go birding the success rate is zero. We were in a heavy wooded area and I only had with me, my 28-135EF 70-200mm f/2.8L and 2x EF Extender.....undaunted I started looking for subjects to test my capabilities of the lens.
Tags: Testing my lens, 28-135EF 70-200mm f/2.8L and 2x EF Extender. stump and pinecones
A few weeks ago, we spent a weekend in the North Conway with friends, the same weekend we visited MT. Washington and I finally found my moose :).
Our friends live in the area and they are familiar with pretty scenic areas the tourists are not aware of. I think this location is in the town of Jackson, NH.
Comment to my readers:
I posted the below comment under the link below and wanted to be sure you see it. I have the best time blogging, taking pictures and sharing. Thank you for being so supportive!!!
Learning and Playing With Cropping
Do you know what I love the most about blogging? Your comments!!! I want to hear you opinions, suggestions, and information like Greg just posted. I found my blogging is learning process in addition to sharing my work.
When I find a subject I need to photograph my subject all different angles, focus in and out!!!
Thank you for reading my journal.
The composition of the cropped version is a bit more pleasing. The subject matter is more specific and organized. The sepia tone works well with this subject as well. One thing to keep in mind when cropping is that you are killing your resolution and therefore your ability to print crisp images of any real size. The best bet is to compose that same shot in the field and take the picture with the intention of not cropping. Your printed images will appreciate you for it.
Old Shed in color and black and white (I used a PS technique and isolated the door color.
Summer image of the White Mountains in the back ground on cloudy day, with the casted shadows. In color and B&W.
How appropriate John posted
This image was tagged on Flickr
Prescott Farm on Flickr - Photo Sharing! the BEST of Flickr
My personal choice, I love this one
Donna and I were hiking a trail that had an incline at Prescott Farm Audubon Center, Laconia, NH, when she looked up and said now that would make a great image.
I took a couple of shots and worked on them yesterday. After printing the images, I would have to say they might become my favorites.
This past weekend, we took our vistor Donna to Profile Falls to photograph. I will be sharing a few more images from one of greatest weekends. Finding my moose really added to our to weekend and spending time with Donna, her mom Kathy and stepdad Paul.
As I mentioned earlier I am learning how to photograph falls. I played with settings and mastered jumping rocks with my tripod and camera :).