My VERY First Moose.
On the way to our friend's parent's home on Route 302, Donna spotted a young female moose on the side of the road. We had to back up the car about 15 ft to finally view my first moose!!!! A young female.
Moose 2.
On Saturday, shortly after receiving a cell call from my sister we spotted another moose. Judi's first grandson Douglas (Moose) was born 6 weeks early but is doing great and will be coming home next week. Driving to Lake Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge on RT.16 towards Errol we spotted a bull. You could see his antlers were growing covered with a fuzzy velvet on theantlers.
Moose 3.
Returning to North Conway almost in the same area we spotted Moose 3, another male moose who appeared younger than moose #2. You could also see his antlers starting grow.
I have been searching for 5 years and in one weekend we saw THREE MOOSE.
I do have another goal I want to see an adult Bull Moose with a huge antlers in water and a female with her young.
Well done in getting your moose on camera, Betty
Thats great! Enjoyed your wonderful captures, saw them all!
Congratulations on finally finding your moose! Now that you've broken the ice, you'll have moose siting all the time. :)
Mooselicious! That is so cool that you finally got your Moose shot!
Yay for you! Success!!
Congrats, Betty! Don't be concerned that a couple were blurry ... I think we all realize by now that your hands must have been shaking with your excitement! I know mine would be!!! I was pretty excited, too, just to finally see them!
Betty, great moose shots. Can't wait until you get a shot of a full grown bull with a full rack. I suspect that would have to come in the fall. Bill
Awwww I don't think I have ever seen a moose without a big ole' rack on his head. Very cute!
That is MOOSETASTIC!! I'm so happy you got your pictures finally, and to have THREE of them makes it that much more better.
Wonderful news catching all the images of Moose. After 5 years I believe I would of been estatic too! (Hugs) Indigo
how exciting! congrats!!
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