Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Completely Enhanced Photo

Last weekend I stopped to shoot the beginning sunset at lake, a storm was coming into the area, hoping I could capture the dramatic scene. Returning home I opened and found my photo was very boring. 

I played with a few programs to see what I could come up with...don't ask me what I did, I kept playing. I really enhanced the photo and like my outcome, I had fun. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Rainy, Foggy Day Photography at Meredith Bay

We finally received much needed rain over the weekend.  I took my cameras and equipment and decided it has been long time shooting the elements, rain and fog. Meredith Bay, Meredith I found conditions I had in mind.  

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Hampshire Churches

St. Matthews Episcopal Summer Chapel, Sugar Hill NH

First Baptist Church, Hampton Falls, NH

New Hampshire/New England are know for their beautiful churches, white on white churches.  You can find usually in scenic towns, showcasing beautiful steeples. One of my favorite topics to photograph.

White on White: Churches of Rural New England — Historic New England
There were no trained architects or even schools of architecture in America at the time. Their inspiration came from traditional designs and from pattern books.  In his photographs, he traces the evolution of church styles from the early meetinghouse through the changing patterns of Greek and Gothic revivals."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Announcing My New Feature: "Let's Get Lost On Backroads Photography"

For many years my husband Bob and I would get in the car, usually on Saturdays, Bob would say "Let's Get Lost" traveling back roads.  Photography entered into my life, my hobby became an extension of our weekend adventures. 

A light bulb went off, starting my creative juices running and I decided to share our adventures, a new feature on my blog called "Let's Get Lost Backroads Photography" Stay posted for my entries.


One of my favorite finds are old barns, structures.

Old Barn found on Riverside Drive, Lisbon, NH

 For Sale a Fixer Upper on Moosikake Rd. Plymouth, NH